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Oral Cancer Examination

Your oral health is our priority. Early detection of oral cancer significantly increases the chances of successful treatment. At Teeth Plus, we provide thorough oral cancer examinations to safeguard your smile and overall well-being.

Teeth Plus Dental Clinic - Oral Cancer Examination

What to Expect During an Oral Cancer Examination

During your examination, our experienced dentists will:

Visual Examination

A thorough visual inspection of your entire oral cavity, including your lips, tongue, cheeks, gums, palate, and the floor of your mouth. We'll look for any unusual sores, discoloration, or changes in texture that may warrant further investigation.


A gentle examination of your oral tissues using gloved fingers to feel for any lumps, bumps, or hard areas that could be indicative of oral cancer.

Discussion of Risk Factors

A conversation about your personal and family medical history, lifestyle habits (such as tobacco and alcohol use), and any other factors that may increase your risk of developing oral cancer.

Personalized Recommendations

Based on the findings of your examination, we'll provide personalized recommendations for further evaluation, treatment, or preventive measures to protect your oral health.

Advanced Screening

Depending on your individual risk factors and medical history, we may recommend additional screening tools, such as specialized screening lights or brush biopsies, to detect abnormalities at the cellular level.

Education and Counseling

We'll take the time to educate you about the risk factors and the importance of early detection. We'll also answer any questions you may have and provide guidance on maintaining good oral hygiene practices.
Teeth Plus - Oral Cancer Examination for Early Detection

At Teeth Plus, we believe that early detection is key to successful oral cancer treatment. By scheduling regular check-ups, you’re taking a proactive step towards maintaining your oral health and overall well-being.

Why Choose Teeth Plus?

We understand the importance of early detection. Therefore, we utilize advanced diagnostic tools and techniques to identify potential signs of oral cancer. Our compassionate team is dedicated to providing you with personalized care and support throughout the process.